Membership Requirements
1) Membership in the Corporation shall be open to all current retired, or former members of the United States Armed Forces. Ownership or lease of a Corvette is required.
Membership is also open to any individual having an immediate family relationalship to a current, retired, or former (including deceased) member of the United States Armed Forces. This relationship can be by grandparent, parent, spouse, sibling or children. Ownership or lease of a Corvette is required. The new member shall have rights equal to those of all existing members."
Additionally, the candidate must:
2) Fill-out the application for membership form. (See Application tab)
3) Sign the acknowledgement of risk and hold harmless agreement.
4) Mail your application and $50 check, payable to Connecticut Military Corvette Club, Inc. to:
Tom Pedrotty
8 Cornfield Dr
South Windsor, CT 06074
Members are encouraged to attend as a minimum 2 meeting, 2 events and a mandatory yearly meeting usually held in January. (Events are defined as club sponsored or endorsed car shows, road trips, cruise nights, socials and parades.)
Annual dues: $50 (The spouse/other of each member shall fall under his/her membership if they reside in the same household.)